This week's animated spin-off based on a live-action movie is Men in Black: the Series which is based on the 1997 hit Men in Black which is based on the comicbook of the same name.
Produced by Adelaide Productions, makers of Jackie Chan Adventures, Ghostbusters Extreme and Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot, MIB: the Series debuted on the WB! in 1997 immediately following the movie. The events of the show spin directly out of the movie's plot and focus on the movie's main characters, Jay and Kay. The series lasted a whole four seasons, from 1997 to 2001.
In the show, Jay and Kay are still partners and must defend Earth from the various invading forces set out for world annihilation. Many supporting cast and villains from the movie pop up to say hi but none of them, including the main characters, are voiced by their original counterparts. Ed O'Ross and Gregg Berger replaced Tommy Lee Jones as Agent K and Keith Diamond replaced Will Smith as Agent J.
The show had a very slick style with creative sets, aliens and character designs that follow the style of this animation company. It was a pleasure to watch and the writing, despite one or two poor episodes, was very well done. I will be picking this one up if it ever comes out on DVD.
Aw man...I was expecting some crazy version of Will Smith's theme song from the movie :P
This one could have used some lyrics, imo...
Best theme song for an animated series ever, along with the end credits of Invader Zim and the opening from Phantom 2040.
A pleasure to listen.
True, an awesome opening. Anybody know who it is? I think the end credits for Zoids: Fuzors makes this all look sad, though.
This theme song was made by Jim Latham, also found on Jackie Chans Adventures. Very good musician. Youll find lots of mp3s in his homepage (google him, dont remember the link now)
The website is and he has done many themes and scores for cartoons in the late nineties including Godzilla, Extreme Ghostbusters, Jumanji, Bump in the Night, Max Steel and DragonTales! What a list! Maybe I'll do a future month dedicated to him!
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